
Avengers fanfiction peter gets a call from the president

Avengers fanfiction peter gets a call from the president. He's good. Peter stared back, his jaw set in a stubborn line. He'd screamed back at Ben only once, mourning sharp and fresh on both their breaths against each others faces only inches from each other, desperate for him to understand that Peter wished it had been himself on that pavement divinely punished for an argument he could hardly even remember but would gladly die for if it meant May would have MJ noticed that Peter's leg was bouncing so she but a hand on it and sat down next to him, sandwiching Peter in-between herself and Tony. 114. Potts, and Peter had less than ten minutes to get ready to pitch a 10 billion dollar project to some of the most important people in the US. Peter's astonished voice brings a genuine smile to his face. She tells him to get some sleep and hangs up. "Oh thank goodness. " AU/In a world where all the Avengers and Avengers-affiliated people except for Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker, and Harley Keener get dusted, Harley learns to adjust to the life afterwards. Set in that wonderful AU world where Tony survives Endgame, and our boy (eventually) gets all the hugs he needs and deserves. The Abominations swiped with a veined arm, nearly striking Peter. Smiling softly, he wraps his arms around Peter's smaller frame saying "You're welcome, ребенок паук. "It's good to see you too buddy. Work was hectic and-" Tony kept his voice hushed, not wanting to disturb his wards sleep. '" Peter had to stop reading there. " "Hey honey. "Tony Stark circumcision clinic! You flop 'em, we chop 'em. Peter eyed them dubiously, clearly doubting there was a solid plan, but not wanting to call Tony out on it. " Ned sighed and slowed his excited rambling down. And now he couldn't get his window opened. "Well, now you know. Will include MCEU and more. Peter's voice crackled through the receiver, and maybe it was just some static, but his throat still sounded pretty scratchy. He wanted to diffuse the situation so they could all hang out and be cool! The Avengers took in Peter’s battered state and youthful appearance and were not happy. All of them had taken to the kid immediately and though Steve still disapproved the child hero he realized there was no stopping him. Part One: Tony calls Peter in the middle of a lab bender and forgets what day it is. The kids miss their favorite spiders. Peter may think all is well and great, but his guardians know otherwise. "I-" Peter started but then seemed to get caught on his own tongue. "Peter, how's the patrol Peter gets shot and calls the wrong number. " Lights and call options crawled across Ned's vision as Tony picked up, sounding mildly bored. Everything was quiet, like the world was holding its breath. " Peter said quietly. Peter webbed up the remaining ones for the police as the van escaped. He meets a cute girl, Anna, and they quickly become friends. Maybe even a little more than that. " Nat explained. But when Peter gets hurt, Karen alerts FRIDAY. Mr Hudson smiled at Peter, enjoying the special treatment (he was the only teacher who knew about Peter living at Stark Tower), before he ushered his class into the elevator and into the main foyer of Stark Industries regional offices, and the avengers living accommodations. " Peter mumbled in reply, turning away from his best friend. President, thank you for taking my call. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,559 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 171 - Follows: 63 - Published: 8/5/2020 - Status: Complete - id: 13664140 Peter Parker finally returns home after being on the run for almost a year. Sep 26, 2018 · Row raised his eyebrows, “Peter, you know you'll get a detention if you don't let me answer the call. " "Only Nat gets to call me that. You okay? Come on lets get you to medbay. The Avengers all nodded agreeing with the sentiment. And although Mr. Each morning when Peter wakes up in the Avengers mansion he can never believe how fortunate he is, sure being a hero had its downs [many downs] but having hero friends definitely was a bonus. Sep 26, 2018 · You were at my birthday. Oct 7, 2020 · Hi friends! Another one shot on father-son duo. " "Mr. Ned," he added, nodding at the still-stunned boy. Peter laughed. His fever finally broke and his vitals are all much better. Peter: heeeeey mr t. We weren't sure you were still alive. " The President sat behind his desk in the Oval office. He didn't have much time to talk to him over the past couple days and had to scrape by on a quick ten, maybe fifteen minute skype call. Why don't you come to the office with me and I call someone to pick you up?" Peter didn't even think about interrupting anyone's day, he just wanted to leave and he wanted everything to be quiet. Peter swung into the sever room and landed lightly on his feet. His best friend kept reminding him that hacking another person's phone is a felony, especially i f that phone belongs to none other than Tony freaking Stark. The time I casually said that 'I should call Peter', the military practically begged to be able to sign the contract. Peter opens the phone and calls his Aunt. Trust me. " Dec 29, 2023 · "Peter got a phone call from May and then went and jumped to the ceiling and climbed into a vent. Peter: Mr s. Tonight they were going to prove him wrong. Steve calls Peter during his history test, all because Tony told him that it would be the Spiderling's lunchtime. "Whatever you say Pete. "No, Karen!" Peter Parker is sent to a rural town after blowing his cover as Spider-Man. ” Peter smirked, “Sure thing, President Ellis. He's sleeping now. All merchandise being sold of any vigilante is to be stopped, and if you are to continue you will be arrested. Parker. "I'm sorry, hun. Because of everything I lost" Steve says. If it involves fire, firmly refuse. " Tony yelled not even looking up at the group as all his attention was on Peter. Apparently, he is known as the, and I quote, 'devil of Stark Industries. Peter hesitantly raised the phone back to his ear, eyeing his fuming teacher and doing his best to ignore his snickering classmates and the faces of MJ and Ned. Since Aunt May's boyfriend moved in Tony had left the offer of Peter moving in for long weekends to let his Aunt be her own woman, Peter very quickly Peter blinked up at Captain Marvel as she landed in front of him. All citizens are to call the nearest police station if they witness a vigilante taking part in any crime or otherwise. Tony: Mr T? He had a pretty good idea what was going on but for the sake of the kid, he was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. "If you're calling me selfish, then I guess I'm selfish. Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. Stark, Ms. Everyone here, even The Avengers, were just as lost as him, he thought. 94. " Peter give a high-pitched giggle that sounded a little maniacal and twisted. "Shit, fuck, something just touched my hand. Sep 27, 2019 · Monica looks at Peter in astonishment, firstly that Tony Stark himself is calling her student and secondly that Peter is declining the call from the single most influential living man in any scientific field. Mentioned bio irondad/spiderson, but it doesn't play a huge part in the story. Once his sleep-filled eyes focused, he exclaimed, "Spider-Man?" "Wow, look at that, you got it on the first try!" Peter quipped, reveling in the fact he could use his normal voice again. Chapter 1 - Emma Peel. "Dude, I didn't know you knew the princess of Wakanda!" Ned exclaimed, his eyes wide. And I'm working on a 5+1 for this pic (they're all going to be one chapter, with the six mini-chapters in it), and the theme is "Five Times Peter Saved Tony and the One Time Tony Saved Peter. He decides to pick up. 93. If you get yourself arrested for things that isn't murder, arson or other crimes of that sort, call Peter. The Death of Peter Peel. " "Tony," he corrects, but he nods and leaves Peter to get some rest. /Or, a post-IW Parkner slash one-shot. I'll explain more in the bottom with this story does paint Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, or the whole Avengers in the best light. It's been a month since he last received a phone call in the middle of class, which admittedly left him unprepared for when his phone rang during his science class that day. Disclaimer ~ I do not own Avengers *The one where Tony calls Peter in the middle of his class* Peter was shocked. I'm glad to see that you are, especially considering the state of the world right now. It's Peter. He was so far out of his depth that he felt like he was drowning, but he was pretty sure he wasn't the only one. Part Two: There's an invasion in New York, and the team needs all available Avengers. “I'll see you soon, Peter. Emma Peel wasn't sure if that same type of adage applied to pilots and plane crashes, but it probably did. They rarely got a call from the school, except to inform them when Peter was absent or the few times he had needed to come home due to overstimulation - Peter didn't really get sick anymore, but if he called saying that he was, both Steve and Tony knew that that was what he meant. Old Peter would have asked them to in a heartbeat. " Only Ned and Peter plus Flash and his friend stayed. " Steve said leading the charge out of the gym. But her place was on Earth, figuring out life as the daughter of a superhero. He had to eat enough to keep from passing out, which meant carrying lots of granola bars. Jan 6, 2020 · Peter wouldn't even have known about the trip if Ned hadn't been so excitedly chatting about it. But after he quite literally falls for the equally disastrous Harley Keener it seems like Old Peter, who had run from his dads instead of towards them. Stark had lots of rules, and Peter liked to think that he'd finally memorized them all. This is Peter. Ideally things get fixed by the end, but not required. He shrugged. "You can't go swinging home in that. Jun 16, 2018 · "Tony? How's Peter? I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call yesterday. Peter flinched at the woman's loud voice, and somehow she seemed to realize what was going on and lowered her voice to a whisper. The boy trips over himself hurrying to explain. Peter and his friends immediately hastened their walk to reach the Oct 29, 2017 · "I should, uh, probably get going," Peter finally spoke up, beginning to yank his mask over his face when a clap of thunder sounds in the distance. Clint couldn't help it he jumped slightly. Peter visibly jumped, but Tony just spun around to face the floor to ceiling window and made a brief humming sound. "That's why. " Let me know if you have any ideas for Peter Saving Tony, cause I already have one for Peter Saving Tony. Next time, I'll bring you guys. "Peter, we need to go now. Instead, Peter is a government agent and as stopped a lot of terrorist attacks on a lot of countries, including his own, America. " Peter shook his head. He was going Peter thought the avengers never cared about him and were tolerating him only because of Tony. Thompson began, blinking wearily. "Oh. Peter and Harley are walking home from the movies and get ambushed. "No! Ned don't!" "Initiating call. "Apparently not," he stated. "I'm fine, dad. "Slow down, man, I'm fine. I am such an idiot, Peter reflected. New Peter knew that his dads love him. " Peter said grinning. Peter doesn't know what he did to deserve her. Jul 24, 2019 · Peter collapsed into his chair, and buried his head into his arms. He looked at the servers around him that housed everything that Tony has worked on. Stark for help only to find the other Avengers. His fingers were too cold, they wouldn't work properly to get the window unlatched. Warren who had said the words, it had been Mr. " Tony stared. Coda: Peter calls Tony dad. "Thank you for that offer Sir-" I try to say but am cut off again. Pepper must be calling. Yeah. It'd had been around two weeks since Peter formally met all the Avengers. "Hey Kid. Meanwhile, ex-Sergeant Vikki Kayd is on a quest to take down the Avengers; Peter and Anna get caught in the middle of her vendetta. Peter is not spiderman but he still has his powers. They were glaring at Tony, not him, but even still a wave of panic hit him. "Peter. what he doesn't know is that their accommodation is the white house and they're staying with the president. . During class, Peter gets an unexpected phone call from Tony Stark, leading to chaos. Scoffing "You gave up. He doesn't know the Avengers personally and they don't know him personally. It was the wizard, the one with the cool cape. Grinch. Enjoy :-))) Peter jogged his way through the avenger compound feeling excited about his lab day with Tony who had promised they would do some special update on his web shooters. ” peter parker never truly got to see washington dc on his academic decathlon trip, so when tony stark offers him a chance to go back, he jumps at it. He did, he just- nevermind. I decided to get a life for myself. Mr. She asks how Tony is and they talk for a few minutes. So Peter quickly handed over his phone and buried his head in his arms, his visible ears bright red. ' 115. He's got the NYPD wrapped around his finger. It had taken Peter a lot of convincing to get Ned to hack Tony's phone and change the ringtone. When Peter wakes up in the morning, memories cloudy and head pounding, there's a glass of water, two Advil, and a sticky note left for him on the table. Peter: veeen drinking. "We need to go. " At the Tower, Peter waltzed into the lobby as a voice around him boomed, "welcome, Mr. There's an old saying that when one falls off a horse, one should get right back on again. Then, Peter calls Pepper. Remember to Read and Review guys! 3 Peter whispered; it seems like he's right next to Clint's ear. Peter grinned and kicked the wall to get a good start speed. ” Peter nodded and starts gathering his stuff, “See you soon, President Ellis. Should any fail to come forward, all officers are to shoot on sight. Startled, Peter jumped into the air, and twisted around as he landed. "You brought back billions of people, and since then, you've been a hard man to get a hold of. He'd seen it when Peter popped up on that goddamned spaceship, miles above You're On Speaker - Tony. Tony was just working in the lab when his phone goes off with the distinct ring to his private line. 95. "Alright, everyone, time is up! Finish the lap if you started a new one and then to the showers. Jul 29, 2024 · Soon they were dropping like flies and one at the van yelled to get in and the remaining ones began running to the van; however Peter wasn't bothered and he then discretely threw a miniature device to one of them before he got into the van. May told him he could stay in the Tower as long as he needed. Jul 25, 2019 · Peter searched the room again and noticed an alarming amount of shock, even accusation in the eyes of the other Avengers. SI employees, if there are any problems with the military, talk to Peter Parker. "It's um-" Peter's eyes burned and his chest was tight. Clint went after him. •• ───── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ───── •• Peter Parker is a complete and utter self-deprecating disaster concealed under a faux smile. Tony's brows rose up. "Answering video call from Iron Man," The phone ignores him completely in favour of picking up the call. " Sam suddenly said as he too jumped. "Hello?" "Hey Pepper. He's excited to live in the Avengers compound with his family and heroes, but everyone knows that it's not easy to adjust to a life in the public eye. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Harrington was very apologetic, all forms required had to have been turned in that Monday. -- Jan 31, 2023 · Tony was past him in an instant and next to Peter, "Get them out of my Tower. He was hugging the gauntlet to his chest, protecting it with his body as if that could help. "Sure thing, ребенок Peter's heart clenched at the sight of the red mark on her cheek. Tony knew that look. "Wha-" Mr. Are you alright?" "I'm It gets him every time. Tony toggled his private comm to Rhodey back on and asked nervously, "Ok so what do we do?" "I had FRIDAY call Cho so the team should be ready and waiting. "Welcome, Mr. Hope you guys like this. I can't do any more funerals. "Peter what have I told you! It's James to you," The president says and I sigh as my whole class looks at me as if I'm crazy. " May sighed in relief, sounding as exhausted as Tony. All it reads is: Don't let it happen again, and Peter thinks he'd rather crawl into a hole and die than let it happen again. Peter felt like slapping himself. " He whispered his voice hoarse and weak. avengers consider spiderman a threat and try to take him in forced to join avengers forced to move in with the avengers bullied or teased by some avengers (or takes teasing seriously and feels bad about it) or maybe they just don't take him seriously or listen to his ideaa. Unfortunately for Peter, he's in the middle of calculus, and Tony can't help but pick on him just a little. Tony said, "Good luck with the lawsuit although none of you will win. Somebody tapped Peter on the shoulder, and Peter turned to look at them. Karen is Peter's only link to his old life, and helps him hold on when he gets low. ". When Peter says he has a solution, please remember to ask what it is. ” Peter shuddered at the memory and made a noise of dismal. He could only think of one option left. Peter POV: Peter gasped, instinct kicking in as he leaped to his feet. The end had clearly arrived. Thompson, just know your life is over after all of this is done. He couldn't talk about this in front of MJ. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Aug 15, 2022 · Peter's finger halted over the 'end call' button, but it wasn't Ms. More was the pity. "I'm calling the cops," he said, fumbling for May 21, 2023 · The first Captain America might have gotten older, but still obvious given the man's slip-up by calling him Queens, since the only person he ever fought against, and alongside called him that. New Peter knew that they would never stop looking for him, knew that they would quit the Avengers for him if he asked, because Peter was more important than any mission. Ignoring the shaking of his whole body, Peter crawled up the building an attached some web fluid. "Touchy subject, I get that," Peter broke into a full sprint. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. Prompt: An injured Peter goes to the tower to ask Mr. ” “How many times do I have to tell you, call me Matthew. Not that after Civil War, Homecoming, and Infinity War/Endgame Peter doesn't already have enough reasons. Peter had been out 'sick' for the last few days (sick of the knife wound in his side) and had missed the big announcement. Peter knew he was dangerously close to becoming hypothermic. " A voice cut through the silence. Peter didn't have time to offer anything more than a grimace to his friends before getting onto the captain's motorcycle behind him. Turns out magic doesn't affect AIs. A fight breaks out and Harley saves Peter, but gets stabbed in the process. Ned swam a little further away and edge his friend to follow. Ten minutes later, Coach blew the whistle. Harley and Peter are siblings and lots of Iron-dad! Peter and Harley brother fluff. Reader discretion is advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes, character interactions, and storylines not found in the original works. Nov 28, 2019 · Peter gets up and wraps him in a hug. Tony reached for the phone on the table, only to be beaten by Peter, who had promptly taken it and answered the phone with a serious expression, slurring slightly. Sep 7, 2021 · Just don't call me when you do. Can we get out of here? Please?" "Climb on. Peter has to make an app and present it to his computer programming class. " "Pushing everyone away is not a solution, kid. Iron-dad fluff :3 Sep 21, 2017 · "Peter! Put that down, and get off the ceiling! Yeah, Karen can you call Mr Stark?" Peter turned his head at the name, almost falling from the ceiling again in his haste to stop the call. "It's okay. " "FRIDAY, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Peter?" A slightly drenched Happy strolled in behind Peter, shaking the rain from his clothes. REVIEWS! But since it was Peter who had written the note, it had basically turned into a huge last-minute scramble in which Mr. Peter: S tark. Trying to stay true to the God she fell in love with but hardly gets to see versus a man she’s spent a lot more time with, helping him become accustomed to the new age. Apr 23, 2024 · The views and interpretations presented in this fanfiction are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily align with the established canons of either Harry Potter or the MCU. Aug 22, 2021 · Nodding, Peter opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by his phone ringing. Tony was giving this kid one more chance (he was going soft): Everything okay bud? Peter: I havn t. ” Peter sighed, he knew that he really could afford even one other detention at this point. "Yeah? Well, it's the best I've got. "Peter if you have any of those spiders crawling around, I'm going to kill them…. "I don't give a shit if I'm the president or not, this is a direct order, call me James," The president says and I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. Nice to meet you, Miss Jones. Yes, it's surprisingly effective. Alexis Stark fell in love with the God of Mischief. "Thanks uncle Clint. Following No Way Home is yeah, I especially don't see Peter wanting much to do with the larger Avengers as a whole. I should have waited to confront a giant veiny-monster at least after seeing Harry whup Voldemort's butt in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Ellis. Now get out of my tower, my sight and stay away from my son. He swallowed and tried again. But that one long weekend at the facility had proved invaluable.